Our Mission

Starting with “The Ask,” LOCATI EDGE empowers kids to grow by creating a transformative platform that helps kids move from opportunity imagined to opportunity realized, ultimately building a better future for themselves and their place in the world.

How It Works

Locati Edge conducts application reviews twice a year, typically in June and December. Applications submitted by June 1 or December 1 will be reviewed. However, we welcome applications at any time throughout the year. Please note that these dates are subject to change without prior notice.



Complete our online application form, and be sure to include a separate document which includes a personal essay outlining your concept, ideas, and goals. Additionally, feel free to upload any documents such as videos, images, artwork, etc., that you believe will enrich your application.



Each application will be considered based upon the submission criteria below and reviewed by the Grant Committee.


The Grant Committee (consisting of Locati Edge directors, officers, and volunteers) will alert recepients by mail.

Submission Criteria

Mission Compatibility

Is the applicant’s concept in line with LOCATI EDGE’s intent and mission?

Expanded Learning

What are the potential benefits this proposal may have for the applicant on a personal level? Are there underlying circumstances that lend purpose to their experience? How might this experience benefit others?

Effort and Creativity

Is the applicant seizing opportunities which are innovative? Does their proposal include a special spark of imagination, creativity and effort?

Apply Now

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